UPDATE: Hi ! I'm moving to a new address https://emmanuellazarus.wordpress.com/
See you there!
O Lord how awesome are Your ways- tender and delightful to consider!
In the stillness of the crowd,
In the calm of sleep,
Your presence guides me.
What did I do, tell me-
what great thing did I do,
to receive such love?
Where are the crowns I have won?
Or laurels to rest at your feet?
Have I brought you myrrh? Or incense?
Or cheaper still- my time, or my feeble love?
What is in this wretched soul that you see to love,
O Lord of my being!
I have brought you nothing.
Even the river of tears has become a trickle,
But yet your ways are brilliant My Appa!
My soul's strength, my crying place-my only hope!
What hope is there for those who trust in this world?
Where is their strength?
But You , O Lord, have saved me,
You have saved me from the burning coals of shame, from the wretchedness of my poverty-
My lack of love,
My lack of You.
Keep me in the folds of your presence,
Wrap me like a child with it's mother-
Truly O Lord, there is none like You-
Forgive my empty heart, my empty tears-
Fill this cup Lord- You have already filled it.
I sit and think of your ways Lord,
In the din of the bus.
I ponder over your judgements in the marketplace,
Your mercies I hear in the bank-
Though I may ponder, and my head wax sore with thought,
Still, O Mighty One, awesome are your ways.
What commentary can import your vast splendor?
Surely, the one who has not eaten of the fruit but scrapes at the peel.
But you have fed me Lord, with Your own hand You have satisfied my wants-
Where are the tears?
Or the wakeful nights, the bed unslept in?
Like a great tidal wave You have washed away my sorrows-
And in its place left tears of love.
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